Editorial Statement

By AISC Editorial Board

“The Pen is My Machete” is a monthly, online publication of the Anti-Imperialist Scholars Collective. Liberation and justice are our core values. We understand US-led imperialism as the primary contradiction that works against the realization of liberation and justice for all.

Just as the root causes of our exploitation, oppression and dispossession are connected through the imperialist world system, so too are our struggles to emancipate ourselves from this system. “Nobody’s free till everyone is free,” as Fannie Lou Hamer remarked in 1971.

We engage in collaborative knowledge production that exposes how US-led imperialism works and operates in both the past and present. We are inspired by those popular struggles that challenge this violent system of domination while offering revolutionary alternatives. The Machete Blog is committed to platforming voices that both nurture comprehensive and critical analysis of our current time of monsters, and invite us to imagine new revolutionary horizons.